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Using Flipchart EE to Train Others to Share the Gospel

Evangelism Explosion Flipchart is a ministry program of Evangelism Explosion, enabling oral learners to learn from pictures while focusing on conceptual understanding. Witnesses train others to share the Gospel using Flipchart’s methodology, which uses images that easily enable both educated and illiterate people not only to witness to everyone but also to train others to do so.

Line upon line, trainees gradually learn how to present the Gospel as they observe their trainer in a real life sharing situation. Experience builds confidence. By the end of the training, each trainee is able to share the whole Gospel presentation.

Many Pastors have reported great growth as a result of implementing Flipchart EE – both in the depth of personal Biblical knowledge and understanding of their congregations, as well as in numbers of new converts being brought to church by those trained to share their faith.

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