Every Nation, Equipping every people group and every age group to witness to every person.

Evangelism Explosion

Equipping you to confidently share the Gospel; anywhere, anytime.

Classic EE

Equipping local church leaders to make Christ’s last Command their first mandate.


EE Flipchart for Adults uses images which easily enables both educated and illiterate people not only to witness to everyone but also to train others to do so.

Hope for Kids

Hope for Kids is a fun and interactive way of clarifying the gospel for children, bringing them to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and equipping them to share their faith with others.

EE for Generations (EE4G)

EE for Generations (EE4G)’s purpose is to bring teens and youth to Christ, and to equip them to go for Christ.

Share Your Faith Workshop

In Sharing Your Faith (SYF) – The Gospel is in your hands! How amazing? Learn FIVE key Gospel points by using the FIVE FINGERS of your hand to remember it!

Glasses for Missions

Glasses for Mission desires to glorify God by providing a reliable pair of eyeglasses to people enabling them to read His word.

Prison EE

Prison EE Ministry is a discipleship ministry program to equip and train incarcerated believers to be trainers of other soul winners, to “make disciples” of new converts and prepare them for re-entry to the local church

What we do

Training Christians to share their faith in Christ.

Francis Odoi

Train Your Church

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