Evangelism Explosion International - Africa Ministry

Cada nación, equipando a cada grupo de personas y cada grupo de edad para testificar a cada persona.

EE for Generation

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Qué es EE4G y por qué es importante?

EE4G (EE for Generation) is a ministry program designed to bring teens and youth to Christ, and to equip them to go for Christ. We prioritize the growth of the faith of the teens and youth in the Lord, their knowledge and understanding of the Bible and how they can confidently share their faith in Jesus Christ with others.

EE4G es altamente interactivo, utiliza ilustraciones y capacitación en el trabajo para equipar a los adolescentes y jóvenes para compartir las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo con su comunidad.

EE for Generation, a ministry of Evangelism Explosion, is a dynamic program that equips teens and youth to share their faith with confidence and relevance. Discover practical personal evangelism techniques, engage in discipleship, and ignite a passion for reaching their generation.

Let’s equip young individuals to make a difference in their local churches, schools, neighborhoods, and beyond.

EE for Generation (EE4G)

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Evangelism Explosion International - Africa Ministry
Ministerios de Explosión de Evangelismo en África
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